Latest News @ Elliott Hall
Oadby & Wigston Borough Hygiene Bank
Elliott Hall is pleased to becoming Oadby & Wigston Borough Hygiene Bank as from August. Hygiene poverty is not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products most of us take for granted. The reality of low income is that it restricts people’s options, leaving us caught between being able to heat our homes, pay the rent, eat or be clean.
It is struggling to wash your hair because you can’t afford shampoo.
It is not being able to purchase deodorant because money is needed for the electric card.
It is not being able to replace a toothbrush when needed or sharing a toothbrush because one each just isn't an option.
It is being unable to change your baby's nappy as often as is needed and scraping out the contents before reapplying it.
It is washing hair, bodies, faces and clothes in the same cheap washing up liquid used for the dishes.
It is being housebound because you can't afford period protection or have to improvise with rolled up loo roll and socks.
It is having to choose between shaving foam and razors or the transport fare to a job interview.
It is going to school with matted hair because there is only one hairbrush in the household and there's no time for everyone to get a chance to use it.
It is not being able to launder clothes, school uniform and muddy sports kit when needed.
It is being 'judged' for living in an unclean home, because you can't afford the cost of household cleaning products.
If you require any of the above please click Support Button.
These products will also be available on Thursdays while the community pantry is running from 10.30am-1pm at Elliott Hall
Christmas Caper is Back for 2024
Christmas Capers is back for 2024 takiing place on Saturday 7th December, for more information click link below
New For 2024
The Cozy Nook
The Cozy Nook is safe haven for people to come, relax talk & enjoy a cuppa. This area is ideal for small groups to gather, run cooking lessons or place to meet a friend. At the moment we will open Mondays 10am-1pm for breakfast (Starting soon), Thursday for community pantry 10.30am-1pm (starting 11th July) & Saturday mornings(starting August). Other day and events will be added including our cream tea events which takes place the last Sunday of each month, along with our veterans free breakfast events.
The area has it own access leading to a larger room, ideal for private events.
The room as a relaxing feel to it with lots of natural llight, with local links & history to the army barracks in South Wigston & Leicestershire.
This is new to Elliott Hall for 2024, and is due to open later in Augsut 2024 as cafe along with other ventures which are due to open later in the year working alongside other agencies/partners to support the local community & residents.
The kitchen has been equipped with everything you need to supply a home cooked meal without the washing up!
SW Colouring Competition
Like drawing, painting or colouring, why not have a go at our colouring competition with EMR & South Wigston South Wigston Train Station Nature Reserve to design a picture to do with wildlife, this could be animals, insects, flowers etc.
Each picture must be on A4 portrate, with you name, contact details and age on the back. These can be posted to Elliott Hall, Albion Street, South Wigston, LE18 4SA by end of October 2024t
Armed Forces Day Event
Displays from Culture Leicestershire who brought items donated by Leicester museum, we also had Greater Wigston Historical Society who displayed local history.
Great to see over 60 people attend the event of all ages, some new faces as well as regulars enjoying homemade cakes and cream teas
Great display of items from WW2 including the ration book which triggered loads of coversations.
Great selection of military items on display for people to see and learn about
Armed Forces Week
We will be supporting Armed Forces Week which takes place from Monday 24 June to Sunday 30 June 2024, and is a way for us to show our support to the Armed Forces family. Flag will be raised on Monday 24th and our Armed Forces event taking place on Sunday 30th June, offer free cream teas to those who are veterans or still serving.
This week marks Loneliness Awareness Week. Research by the charity Age UK found that 1.1 million of those aged over 65 say that most of the conversations they have are with strangers and almost half a million older people admit they never see or speak to anyone else. The vital support that Elliott Hall for Youth and Community offers to many local people who find themselves in this situation; a trip to one of our many social and support groups, or just popping in for in for a cuppa creates small but meaningful moment of connection which are a lifeline to isolated older people. We need to reach more people in our community and we can't do this without our volunteers & partners we work with.
Contact Elliott Hall Community Centre today to find out how you could make a positive, meaningful impact to isolated older people in our community.
Pride Month
This Pride month gives us the ideal opportunity to reflect on how diverse and inclusive we are as a community centre. We’re committed to maintaining an environment where everyone feels included and can be themselves. So, we continually monitor the diversity of our services and support we offer the community. Not only this Pride month, but continually throughout the year, we strive to ensure everyone, service users, volunteers and customers alike, are heard and have the opportunity to strengthen our community. Together we Thrive! #Diversity #Inclusivity #Pride
Armed Forces Day 30th June
All borough veterans and serving personnel including general public are invited to our Armed Forces Day Cream tea event on Sunday 30th June starting from 11.30am- 3pm at Elliott Hall. Youth & Community Building. Selection of home cakes and scones on offer. Veterans and serving personnel are offered a free cream tea, public and family members can have a cream tea for only a £5.00. Cake and hot drink £1.50Also on the day we will have a military display of different items including vehicles, we will also have the culture to you bring items from Leicesters museums for display. To ensure everyone is catered for, if you would like to attend, please RSVP to [email protected] as soon as possible
We are pleased to be working with Serco HMP Fosees Way, Serco staff are helping and supporting local community projects in South Wigston including Elliott Hall & South Wigston Nature Reserve. Serco also have kindly supplied us with their homemade compost for our new community garden which is made from all their food waiste from within the prison.
Like Boards Games !
Like board games, but know onw to play with ! Feeling isolated and want to meet other the same, come and join us every Friday from 6-7pm and enjoy playing different games with a cuppa.
Starting Friday 31st May
First Cream Tea 2024
Sunday 28th April saw Elliott Hall host their first cream tea of 2024, seeing over 40 people attending which included veterans from the borough enjoying selection of homemade scones and cakes. Was lovely to see different people from the community come together on what was a wet day. We look forward to our next event in May.
South Wigston Station Nature Reserve
Elliott Hall Shed group have been busy making over 20 different bird & bat boxes including a large bug hotel to be place at the new South Wigston Station Nature reservce. This is being looked after by the South Wigston East Midlands Train Adopters, who keep the location station clean of rubbish and weeds.
Support For The Youth Of Tomorrow
We are pleased to annouce that we are being funded by the Haberdashers 'Benevolent Foundation in London, to support the youths of tomorrow. This will be working with different ages, groups, & supporting them where the need is required. Giving them a chance to take part in different activities which they may not be abe to do. This will be working with the local youth group and other young persons provisions that run from Elliott Hall
Fitnesss Pilates Coming in May
A new Pilates group is coming to Elliott Hall as from May 2nd starting at 8pm. To book or to find out more information please click on the link below.
South Wigston Nature Reserve
Elliott Hall are please to be working with East Midlands Railway and Network Rail with their new community nature garden project which will be at South Wigston station. They hope this will improve the local area for community and train users. We hope this project will support local people’s health and wellbeing when volunteering as well as helping the local wildlife. Elliott Hall shed and gardening group will be working on this project with South Wigston Station Adopters with making a variety of bird boxes and growing/planting wild flowers in few months.
If you wish to help please get in contac
Sunday Roast Club
We are pleased that later this year we will be starting our Sunday Roast Club, which will meet once a month on Sunday at Elliott Hall offering freashly cooked food, some which would of beeen grown within our community garden. This will be open to the local community, elderly, veterans, families at a small cost. Watch this place for updates.
Thank You Evening
It was an honour for Rob & Carl from Elliott Hall for Youth & Community to attend 'The High Sheriff of Leicestershires' Thank You Reception' last week for those been awared the High Sheriff Ward a long with members of different voluntary organisation & emergency services from across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. The event took place at St Mary’s church Melton. We wish to show our thanks and appreciate to Henrietta Chubb for her dedication and hard work over the last year as the High Sheriff of Leicestershire.
It was incredible to be surrounded by such inspirational people and being able to connect with other great organisations from around Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland.
High Sheriff Visits Elliott Hall
On Sunday 10th March 2024 the High Sheriff of Leicestershire Mrs Henrietta Chubb JP visited Elliott Hall in South Wigston. To present the High Sheriff award to both Carl Walter and Rob Elliott
for the outstanding contribution they have made to the community of South Wigston. Elliott Hall has gone from being a youth provision to now providing support for all the community in South Wigston. From all the groups to Veterans events to Christmas Capers this pair are behind them all. Rob and Carl know well that they
do not make this contribution alone so alongside the High Sheriff awards they held South Wigston & Elliott Hall Awards event.
Elliott Hall Volunteer of Year
The Margaret Elliott award was presented
by Carl Walter to the person who always
seems to be at the Hall. Pete runs The
Shed which is a space where people can
share skills and learn new skills around
making beautiful wooden items. Pete
welcomes everyone and supports them to
be part of the community he has built
there. He happily shares his skills and
knowledge and supports the other groups
who meet there. No one will forget the amazing Christmas tree jointly made by The
Shed and Cazlyns Craft Group
South Wigston Volunteer Awards
Each award was named after a local person who has made an outstanding contribution to the community. The first award was the Judith Proctor award – Everyone in the community knew Judith she spoke to everyone and would help anyone. She joined in a lot of the groups especially knit and natter
groups. She also was the first to volunteer for anything that benefited the community, the community garden was her
passion. This year’s winner of the Judith Proctor award is Emma Hall of Butterfly Beacons CIC. Emma was chosen by
the judges because of how she started with an idea to support the women of the area to find space to not only learn new skills but to take time
with their own selfcare and wellbeing. Emma has also joined in with other
community groups to support them too This award was presented by Mayor Cllr
Rosemarie Adams. The Ruth Elliott award was next. Ruth was an amazing lady
whose warmth and care encompassed everyone, she was pivotal in setting up Elliott Hall and running events such as
Christmas Capers and the older persons Christmas lunch. The winner of the Young Volunteer of the Year is Harry Walter.
Harry helps with lots of the groups at the Hall especially the Veterans group. He was Flag bearer carrying standards for
Remembrance Day - and volunteers at the Youth groups. Samia Haq – Leader of Oadby & Wigston Borough Council
spoke about Harry’s contribution, the award was presented by the High Sheriff
The Margaret Elliott award was presented
by Carl Walter to the person who always
seems to be at the Hall. Pete runs The
Shed which is a space where people can
share skills and learn new skills around
making beautiful wooden items. Pete
welcomes everyone and supports them to
be part of the community he has built
there. He happily shares his skills and
knowledge and supports the other groups
who meet there. No one will forget the amazing Christmas tree jointly made by The Shed and Cazlyns Craft Group.
The winner of the Elliott Hall Award for youth work was presented to Heidi Gardener who has volunteered with
the youth club since 2017. Heidi is a creative leader who is always coming up with ideas to engage the youth club
members. She also is an annual volunteer at Christmas Capers and can be seen entertaining the young people in
her variety of character costumes. The award was presented by Emma Hill also an amazing volunteer who
spoke about Heidi’s contribution to Step Out.
After the awards tea and Cake were served by Rhiannon and Warwick. Rhiannon made amazing cakes – another example of volunteers contributing to our
Elliott Hall Supporting Armed Forces & Veterans
Elliott Hall for Youth & Community has been supporting the local Armed Forces and Veterans community for the past four years, by running a various events where veterans and serving armed forces personal can attend and eat free due to funding from Oadby & Wigston Council & the Pilgrims Bandits Charity. Elliott Hall wanted to carry this support further by becoming Oadby & Wigston Borough AFVBS breakfast club which will start later this year. So watch this space for updates.
For more details or to be contacted when the projet starts please email Oadby & Wigston Borough Armed Forces Veteran Breakfast Club by clicking link below
We are pleased to be the new home of Kinship charity. What they do.
We use our experience, expertise and strength to change lives. We support kinship carers in their homes and communities, giving advice and helping them work through problems to find the best way forward.
We connect carers together in our national community and network of local support groups, so they don’t have to face the fight alone.
We help professionals understand kinship families and improve support for them. And through our research and campaigns we make sure kinship care is understood and government knows what changes are needed.
We’ll not rest until the recognition and support is there for every kinship family.
For more information please visit link below
National Expresss Foundation Support
We are please to of been chosen by National Express Foundation to receive funds to support the community centre. The funds will be used to support our Shed project, where we will be buying new equipment needed for people to complete wood work.
The Shed is open to anyone who enjoys making or repairing item made from wood. The groups meets every Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays from 9am-1pm.
The Shed
We are pleased to now be opening our Shed project three mornings aweek, Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays from 9am. This is a great way to learn new skills, make or repair an project. Open to everyone, for more information please click link below
Severn Trent Community Fund
Severn Trent Water Foundation has kindly supported Elliott Hall for Youth & Community for 2024 by supporting towards new projects for 2024 which will support residents of the community, this will include a counsellor to support our health & well-being support we offer.
We wish to thank them for their support which will support the local community & service users of the venue.
New Logo Club
Monday 15th January saw the start of Elliott Halls junior builders lego club starting, it was great to welcome over 26 children, some parents staying which was great to see families spending time together. Each week will be different projects and builds with our lego master James. Hope to see you again next Monday.
Christmas Dinner At Elliott Hall
On Sunday 10th of December, Elliott Hall Youth & Community centre hosted their free annual Christmas dinner to over 60 people. These people were from the variety of support groups which meet at Elliott Hall on a weekly basis to help support people with health & well-being. The meal consisted of four courses. The starter was a hearty homemade vegetable soup with fresh bread and butter. This was followed by a full Christmas dinner of turkey and the trimmings. The dessert was a choice of either homemade trifle or Christmas pudding and custard. The final course was either tea, or coffee , accompanied by mince pies, short bread and after dinner mints. The event also managed to raise £100 for Loros Hospice by the sale of raffle tickets with the chance to win one of a number of lovely prizes that had been donated prior to the event. This money was raised in memory of Ruth Elliott who sadly passed away earlier this year. The event would not have been able to take place if not for the amazing volunteers who prepped, cooked and served the meal and carried out the mammoth task of washing up afterwards. An additional thank you must be given to Joseph Morris butchers in Wigston for their help with all the lovely meat that was enjoyed on the day.
The whole event was kindly supported and funded by Market Harborough Building Society, supporting local communities come together for Christmas.
Elliott Hall Mental Health Christmas Tree On Tour
Two groups based at Elliott Hall have been busy putting together this amazing Christmas tree since October. The frame work was made by the Shed group who meet every Monday & Tuesday, while the sewing/crochet items where made by the CazLyn craft group using recycled materials who meet Tuesdays & Thursdays. Both these groups support and help residents who are struggling with variety of health conditions and isolation issues. For more information on these and other groups please click on link below.
Christmas Meal
On Sunday 10th December Elliott Hall will be hosting their Christmas Meal for over 65 people for those who attend the venue using their different support groups that support mental health, well-being and isolcation. This years event is being supporting by Market Harborough Building Society, more image to come from the three course meal.
Super Stars Football Starting Jan 24
A new football club will be starting at Elliott Hall on Wednesday 6th Jan 2024 for children aged 2-5yrs.
Open to boys and girls starting 4.40pm till 5.25pm
Lego Club New 2024
A new lego club start on Monday 15th Jan 2024 for anyone over the age of 6 who enjoy Lego. The club will be fun, educational, learning to work as teams which will inreturn make new friend. Each week will be different.
Cost £3.00 per child per session
We Are Undefeatable
Elliott Hall is being supported by Active Together We Are Undefeatable fund to support our work we do for the community. We Are Undefeable is a major campaign that supports the 15 million people who live with one or more long-term health conditions in England
We Are Undefeatable is a movement supporting people with a range of long term health conditions, developed by 15 leading health and social care charities and backed by expertise, insight and significant National Lottery funding from Sport England. It's purpose is to support and encourage finding ways to be active that work for you and your health condition.
Active Together proudly support We Are Undefeatable, working closely with National and local partners to activate the campaign throughout Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland. We are continuing to explore new ways that support and encourage local residents to move more, their way.
Elliott Hall Hosts Veteran Breakfast
What amazing event organised by OWBVS & Elliott Hall who hosted their first full English breakfast for veterans and serving personal in the Armed Forces. It was great to see over 35 veterans & Armed Forces personal attending as well as the Vice Lord -Lieutenant Col. Murray Coalville, Cllr Samia Haq (Leader of Oadby and Wigston Council) Cllr Bill Boulter ( chairman of Ames forces committee) Cllr Carl Walter & Cllr Zuffar Haq. The event was supported byOadby & Wigston Borough Council,Pilgrim Bandits Charity.
Our next veteran breakfast will be taking place on February 17th 2023 in Oadby RBL.
Rememberance Morning
Saturday 11th November saw Elliott Hall & Oadby & Wigston Borough Veteran Support run a rememberance morning with sausage and bacon rolls. At 11am we had bugle playing followed by 2 min silence with wreath laying. Nice to see over 60 residents attend with veterans from all over the borough attend.
National Lottery Funding For Community Centre
Elliott Hall For Youth & Community (CIC) celebrates after receiving £67,000 of National Lottery funding to support the service it offers to the local community
A local community center Elliott Hall for Youth & Community is today celebrating after being awarded £67,000 in National Lottery funding to support its work within the local community. The community center, based in South Wigston, Leicestershire and they will use the money to run different activities for the local community, supporting health & well-being and isolation. To provide support sessions for those within the community of the borough of Oadby & Wigston.
Elliott Hall has been running since 2017 and is run by volunteers. It was founded by Rob & Ruth Elliott & Carl Walter after they realised that the community was struggling to provide different groups which would support the local community due to no premises.
Elliott Hall now offers groups that support all ages throughout the week, like Step Out Youth group where children aged 8-16 can join in with activities such as arts & crafts, cooking, woodwork, and playing games while learning new skills and having fun. The center also offers gentle movement classes, bereavement support, woodwork, art abd groups.
The new funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, which distributes money raised by National Lottery players for good causes and is the largest community funder in the UK, will see sessions expanded, meaning that the number of participants will be able to increase.
Rob Elliott, says: “We’re delighted that The National Lottery Community Fund has recognised our work in this way. Now, thanks to National Lottery players we will be able to press on with our plans to broaden the range of support and groups that will be available to local support our local community This is important because it helps both the young and older people build relationships with others facing similar challenges and to create their own supportive circles of friends and peers.”
Service user says: “I attend Elliott Hall three if not four times a week, attending different activities they offer, this is amazing place, learning new skills, making new friends all at the grand age of 86. The team always make you welcome here, kettle is always on and an ear to listen, this is South Wigston best kept secret”
National Lottery players raise over £30 million a week for good causes across the UK. Thanks to them, last year The National Lottery Community Fund was able to distribute over half a billion pounds (£615.4 million) of life-changing funding to communities.
To find out more visit
Well-being Boat Trip
In October we took two groups on the canal to support their health & well-being. They left Leicester marina nr Thurmaston traveling along the river Soar and the Grand Union Canal, enjoying refreshments, peace, wildlife and scenery. We wish to thank Canal and River Trust and the The Baldwin Trust for organising this. We hope to be running these again next year
Vote For Us
Elliott Hall for Youth & Community calls out for votes to get a share of Tesco’s Stronger Starts fundElliott Hall for Youth & Community are bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Stronger Starts initiative. Tesco works with community charity Groundwork to run its community funding scheme, which sees grants of up to £1,500, £1,000 and £500 awarded to local community projects, with a particular focus on children and young people. Three groups in every community have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should take away the top grant.Elliott Hall for Youth & Community is one of the groups on the shortlist.Elliott Hall supports the local community by providing a safe place to take part in variety of activities for all ages and abilities Voting is open in all Tesco stores from early October until January 2023.Customers will cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out each time they shop.Stores you can vote at :
Aylestone Lane Express, LE18 1BD
Narborough Express, LE19 3WY
Leicester ForestExpress, LE3 3JT
Aberdale Rd Leics Express, LE2 6GB
South Wigston,LE18 4SE
Rowley Field Leicester Express, LE3 2FU
Leicester Saffron Express,LE2 6UG
Leicester Evington, LE5 4WELeicester
Lutterworth Express, LE2 8PH
Countesthorpe Express, LE8 5RN
Thank You For Your Support
New Dementia Support Group
A new group to support those affected by dementia incluing their family members and carer's. We will first be running two taster sessions in November & December. For more information please conact us by clicking here
New Children's Lego Club
New lego club coming to Elliott Hall starting Monday 15th January 2024. Open to children aged 6-16 yrs. Cost £3.00 per child.
To register your interest please click link below
Celebrating Armed Forces Day
Sunday 25th June Elliott Hall for Youth & Community along with the Legion Outriders and Oadby & Wigston Council by putting on an cream tea event for the community and the boroughs veterans. The event was a great success, with veterans visiting from all over the borough, enjoying their free cream tea, listening to old time music, enjoying seeing the displays from the old days while talking to ex-service men from different generations.
Pulling Bows For Community Hub
Massive thank you to everyone at Leicester Ancient Order of Foresters Archery Club who ran a Dawn till Dusk event last Saturday 17th June to support the community hub. It was a fantastic day, seeing so many people dress up for the occasion. They raised amazing grand total of £415 for Elliott Hall.
We can not thank you all enough for supporting us and the local community we support.
Asda Foundation Supporting Elliott Hall.
Asda Foundation supports Elliott Hall. Youth & Community Building.
I was thrilled to visit Elliott Hall. Youth & Community Building with our store manager Geoff and present them with an Asda Foundation Spaces & Places grant for £22,300.
The Asda Foundation recently surprised 31 different community groups across the UK with the news their grant had been successful including Elliott Hall.The grants totalling to over £600,000 range between £10,000 and £25,000 with the aim of improving community spaces in local communities across the UK. The funding will go towards replacing their old windows for new, more energy efficient one, helping to keep the heat in and make bills more affordable. Elliott Hall was opened in 2017 by Rob,Ruth & Carl who wanted to give something back to the community. It's a safe warm haven for anyone in the community to drop in, have a cuppa and a chat and join one of the many groups on offer. Everyone is welcome.
– Beth, Asda community champion
Talk To The Council
Face to face appointments with Oadby & Wigston council will be introduced in South Wigston.
Oadby & Wigston Borough Council (OWBC) customers will soon be able to request face to face appointments in either Oadby, Wigston or South Wigston.
The opportunity to book appointments comes as the council looks to enhance its customer service offer after listening to residents that completed a customer experience consultation at the end of 2022.
One of the key findings was that while the majority of customers prefer to contact the council by phone, email or by using the website, there is still a need to meet some customers face to face. From Monday 5 June, customers will be able to book appointments by telephone and then attend their allotted slot at the following locations:
Elliott Hall, South Wigston on Tuesdays
between 9 am and 12 pm
Trinity Methodist Church, Oadby on Wednesdays
between 10 am and 1 pm
King’s Centre, Wigston on Thursdays
between 1 pm and 4 pm.
Visitors to the council’s appointment hubs must have a pre-booked appointment.
These can be made by calling the council’s customer service team on 0116 2888961.
Ruth Elliott
The world has lost a wonderful women but Heaven has gained an angel.
Our beloved Ruth Elliott has gone home to the Lord – she passed away on Friday 28th April 2023 after a short illness.
Message from family:
We wish to thank to all who attended Ruth's funeral on Tuesday 16th May at St Thomas Church and all those that made it a successful day.
Thanks again Rob and boys.
We wish to thank Asda Foundation Oadby for their kind support through their Foundation by donating £500 for supporting the activities we run for the community at Elliott Hall. Thank You.
Image was taken with our Chit, Craft,Cake group which meets every Tuesday morning, with Asda Community Champion Beth, as well as Rob & Carl from Elliott Hall.
Please read Asda Foundation press release below