South Wigston Community Garden & Station Nature Reserve

South Wigston Train Station Adopters have been granted a peace of land at the staion which has been given as a nature reserve, to increase wildlife to the local area. South Wigston Station triangle already has a protected areas further up the line due to rare grasses and butterflies. Elliott Hall are working with the local adopters along with Network Rail, East Midlands Trains to maintain this area, building bird, bat and bug boxes etc, as well as working with different local communioty groups  which is supporting peoples health & wellbeing. 
If you feel you can help please get in touch by clicking the link below. 

Britain In Bloom Award

Friday 4th October Mr Walter from South Wigston Station Adopters attended Oadby & Wigston Pride of the Borough awards evening.
South Wigston Station & Reserve received award from Britain In Bloom-'Its Your Neighbourhood Award of level 4- Thriving
The higest level is 5, so for the first year we where amazed we had reached such a level, this is down to all the volunteers that help to keep the station & reserve clean and tidy in all weathers.

SW Competition


Like drawing, painting or colouring, why not have a go at our colouring compepition with EMR & South Wigston South Wigston Train Station Nature Reserve to design a picture to do with wildlife, this could be animals, insects & flowers etc.

Each picture must be on A4 portrate, with you name, contact details and age on the back. These can be posted to Elliott Hall, Albion Street, South Wigston, LE18 4SA, entries in completed and handed in by end of Feb 2025

South Wigston Station Adopters

We are a freindly bunch of volunteers who support South Wigston Station by keeping the station clean and tidy for the local community but also the train users. You can help us by joining EMR Adopters with helping with litter picking, gardening, community events.
All equipment will be supplied as will training EMR will in return offer limited free train tickets on their network.

Working together as a community

Within the reserve we will installed the following:
20 different bird boxes
1 bat box
1 bug hotel
1 hedgehog house
1 bird tabl

The new giant bug hotel has now been made by the shed group and will be installed soon.

Bird boxes are being made by the shed community group based at Elliott Hall, who meet Monday, Tuesday &Thursdays. If you wish to join please use contact page.

The area has started to be cleared ready by EMR for the safety so the station adopters can maintain the area. Posts have also been installed  ready for the new bird boxs.

South Wigston Station bridge is so bright and wonderful. This project was completed in 2023 working with local schools and groups within the local area.

The new bug hotel has been installed and has been busy with life.

The bird table is in place and can be seen from platform 2. In remberance of Judy, a local resident who loved wildlife.

We are pleased to be supported by Serco HMP Fosse Way, by supplying staff to help with community projects, also they supplied recycled compost made from food waist which has been used to grow our wild flowers. 

We have been lucky enough to have support by Serco Prision staff who volunteer their time to help clear and tidy up nature reserve, this has made a large difference & time.

We are seeing an increase in wildlife,  including foxes, wood peckers, owls, bats, different birds and increase insects abd butterfies. We have even had a muntjac visit us.

Different wild flowers have started to flower around the reserve which will help the local wildlife.

Bee hives have been introduced to the reserve, when hives are full they can hold upto 80,000 bees.

Serco Fosse Way inmates have kindly made 3 planters and two benchs and a table for the reserve.

Different flowers have been planted around the reserve to increase the bees, butterslies and other insects into the area.

Wild Flowers Growing In Reserve

Just some of the wild flowers growing at the reserve

Just some of the wild flowers growing at the reserve

We will be platnting more over the year to increase the insects and wildlife

We will be platnting more over the year to increase the insects and wildlife

These plants will be left to self seed to spread 

A weed is just a flower in the wrong place!

The meadow mix has started to come through in areas on station.

The meadow mix has started to come through in areas on station.

South Wigston Community Garden

Elliott Hall for Youth & Community offers those who enjoy gardening or dont have a garden, some where to come and enjoy gardening while supporting the local community. We have two areas, flowers and nature area, and a vegtable growing area with a green house. We also help look after rasied beds at South Wigston Station as part of the nature reserve and also planters on Blaby Road on the high street. If you wish to help or pop down please get in contact. Click Here To Contact


We grow sesonal flowers which are planted around Elliott Hall and the local community planters.

Raised Beds

All our beds are raised, so can be reached by wheelchairs.

Community Beds

We look after not just Elliott Hall, but also beds around the community of South Wigston.

Veggie Garden

We have our own veggie garden where we grow sesonal items. These are used within house or given away to local community.

Green House

We have our own green house so able to grow throughout the year.

Elliott Hall For The Youth & Community (CIC)

14 Albion Street,

South Wigston,


LE18 4SA

07703 441894

07880 715656

Email the following:
[email protected]

Follow us on Face Book 

Community Interest Company Number 12458934